Discover deeper communication and understanding.


Therapy for individuals, parents, couples, and families.

It’s getting harder to keep up the facade—feeling like you need to hide parts of yourself to be accepted or loved.

There are ideas about yourself you learned long ago, and they’re constantly echoing in your mind. Thoughts like "I am not enough" or "I am too much" stop you from expressing how you truly feel and make you question your worth. Despite all your best efforts, you somehow still feel like you’re falling short—like you can’t do anything “right”.

It feels like you and your partner are having the same argument over and over. It's frustrating when calm conversations always seem to escalate into conflicts, leaving you feeling unheard or like the "bad guy." 

Differences in parenting styles can add even more stress. It might feel like your kids’ emotions hold the whole household hostage, and you can’t seem to find a sense of balance between their needs and your own. Constant battles over chores and homework wear you down, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unappreciated by both your children and your partner.

Maybe it feels like you…

  • Are treated like a doormat or punching bag by the people around you

  • Often have to walk on eggshells

  • Can’t say “no” to any request

  • Struggle to connect in a meaningful or deep way despite caring about the other person

  • Can’t really pinpoint what’s wrong or how to move forward, but know something is “off”

  • Are at your wit's end and have become more easily angered by and frustrated with your partner, kids, or family

Through therapy, you can develop more authentic, fulfilling relationships.



Getting to the root of relationship struggles so you can reconnect & grow.

As relational therapists, we take the time to look at all the various parts of your life and how they influence you. We consider everything from your personal beliefs and values to the broader context of where you grew up and the relationships that shape your world. By understanding these dynamics, we can help you navigate challenges and move forward in a way that respects everyone involved. Humans are inherently wired for connection, and we want to help you build relationships that fill your cup and feel mutually fulfilling.

When you begin working with your therapist, they will hold space for the experiences that brought you to therapy and you’ll work together to identify where you might need to set boundaries or practice self-compassion. You'll explore everything from your family background and career to your hobbies and interests. A strong bond between you and your therapist is critical to this work, so you’ll also spend some time connecting as people. Whether it's talking about your pets, favorite movies, or travel experiences, this process highlights your successes and what brings you joy, too. 

Many people come to therapy wanting to "get on the same page" with their partner or family member.

To do this, you'll work on communication skills that will help you understand your current perspectives, how they differ, and how to align your goals. Sometimes, it can feel like your partner or family member is the enemy, but it’s important to remember that you’re on the same team. Your therapist will help you reflect on where you've been to figure out where you want to go and support you in finding the best way forward.

Therapy for relationships can help with…

  • Learn to express feelings and needs, advocate for yourself, listen to understand, set boundaries, and respect the boundaries of others.

  • Gain clarity about your role in relationship dynamics and understand how your past plays into the interactions you have in the present.

  • Be able to move through conflict in a way that feels mutually respectful and learn to resolve and repair things afterward.

  • Better understand your emotions, the emotions of others, and how to tolerate difficult feelings.

  • Learn to feel comfortable with who you are regardless of the opinions of others and feel worthy of healthy, authentic connections.

You deserve to feel good enough in your relationships & your life.




Common questions about therapy for relationships

  • Relationship counseling can be incredibly valuable. It can help individuals and couples improve communication, resolve conflicts, and reconnect, leading to healthier and happier relationships in their personal and professional lives.

  • Family therapy usually involves working with the whole family to address issues and improve relationships. Some of our clinicians offer whole family sessions, which often include all members who live in the household or who are involved in the dynamic. Some of our therapists also work with couples, parent-and-child pairs, or multiple family members individually. Schedule a consult with us to determine if one of our therapists is a good fit for your needs.

  • Relationship counseling can benefit individuals by improving their communication skills and helping them understand their own needs and boundaries better, so they can advocate for themselves within their relationships. It can also provide insights into their patterns of behavior and how to build healthier relationships in every area of their lives.