Get answers & the support needed to thrive.


Day-to-day life somehow feels harder for you or your child than it does for others.

The growing sense that something isn’t quite right has left you wondering if there’s more beneath the surface—something about the way you or your child process information, handle responsibilities, or navigate the world that needs to be explored.

You might find that conversations or group settings drain you or your loved one requiring extra effort just to feel “normal” or to avoid being seen as different. Sometimes it feels like you are on the outside looking in—whether it’s struggling to connect with others or reacting to situations in ways that don’t seem to fit the moment. Maybe you’ve already received a diagnosis of some kind, but it still feels like pieces of the puzzle are missing, and the answers you’ve found so far don’t seem to explain everything, or it feels like something just isn’t adding up, and that other clinicians just don’t get it.

You want to uncover what’s behind these struggles, but also to understand the strengths that have gone unnoticed. At this point, more than anything, you’re searching for clarity—for a way to make sense of it all and find a path forward that captures the full picture of your unique needs, gifts, and talents.

Maybe you or your child have experienced…

  • Difficulty planning, staying organized, getting distracted, managing time,  or seeing videos on social media describing neurodiversity traits and characteristics  that resonate with you

  • Emotional outbursts or intense, uncontrollable mood swings

  • Feeling like you have to tone down or hide your real self in front of others 

  • Getting extremely nervous in social situations, or having a hard time making or keeping friends, often struggling to “read the room”

  • Being previously diagnosed with depression, anxiety, a mood or personality disorder, and are seeking an objective provider to help with tracking goals and progress

  • An injury or accident resulting in a traumatic brain injury and wanting to learn more about what this means and how to get the help and support you need and deserve

  • Not being listened to by mental health professionals in the past, but knowing you need support

Here, you will be heard and gain new insights to move forward with confidence.



Providing more than a label or diagnosis.

This process begins with a free phone consultation to ensure that our assessment services are the right fit for you. This call is a chance for you to ask any questions and for us to get a sense of your needs so we can decide the best way to proceed. 

  • Once we've agreed that assessment is a good fit for your needs, we’ll send over some intake paperwork to gather basic details. After that’s returned, we'll schedule a clinical interview. 

    This interview is an opportunity to sit down with Hannah, either in office or virtually, to get to know you or your child—understanding concerns, history, and goals—to form a clear picture of who you are and what you need from the assessment process.

    The clinical interview ranges from 60–90 minutes depending on the complexity of your history.

    Following the interview, Dr. Hagler will carefully curate the next steps of your assessment. Once the plan is set, we’ll schedule your testing session.

  • Testing sessions typically range from two to six hours, depending upon the complexity, goals, and needs of each individual. If the thought of doing six hours of testing straight sounds daunting, don’t worry, we’ve got you—we schedule in breaks for snacks, lunch, stretching, restroom, fresh air, and just to rest for a bit. For those with low stress thresholds, struggles with behavioral concerns, or issues with fatigue, there is also the option to break testing up into multiple assessment sessions.

    Throughout these sessions, we will engage in a variety of activities, one-on-one discussions, and utilize standardized assessment measures to inform our conclusions and provide you with answers. The questions and exercises are designed to explore thought processes, emotions, and perspectives. And of course, you’re always encouraged to ask questions at any point—we want this process to be as open and transparent as possible.

    In some cases, we may also ask others who know you well, like a parent, partner, a close family member, your best friend, teacher, or other healthcare providers you want to include in the process to gain additional information. This can give us a more complete understanding of your experiences, but it’s something we’ll discuss with you beforehand to make sure it aligns with your goals. To clarify: we never include anyone in your process without your explicit approval, consent, and proper documentation.

    Before we wrap up our testing and assessment session, we’ll make sure to get you scheduled for your clinical feedback session, typically within two weeks time.

  • In the Clinical Feedback Session, we’ll go over the results of the assessment, answer any additional questions you might have, discuss any applicable diagnosis, go over specific areas of needs and strengths, and provide recommendations for next steps. This may include referrals to therapists or psychiatrists we trust, recommendations for accommodation at work or school, and resources to learn even more about your diagnosis. You’ll also receive a comprehensive written report that details everything from your interview, the assessment measures used, and what the results reveal about your strengths and areas for growth.

    Our goal is that you walk away from this experience with more clarity, a better understanding of how to best care for yourself, resources for continued support, and confidence that you can navigate whatever the future holds.

    The Clinical Feedback Session is typically 60-90 minutes depending on the complexity of your history, goals, and diagnosis (if applicable).


Testing & Assessments are billed at an hourly rate of $200.00 per hour to include time for the Pre-Assessment Clinical Interview, Testing & Assessment Session (2-6 hours), Administrative Report Writing Time & Review, and Clinical Feedback Session. You will schedule the Pre-Assessment Clinical Interview and schedule your Testing & Assessment Session where a 50% non-refundable deposit is required. The remainder of your balance will be due at the time of your Clinical Feedback Session. For more information regarding rates, please see our Investment Page.

Comprehensive psychological assessment & testing can help with…

  • Understand the experiences you’ve had in the new context of your diagnosis.

  • Learn about how your brain works, how to leverage your strengths, and how to seek support if and when needed.

  • Get personalized recommendations for local resources and trusted professionals that can help you continue to grow.

  • Receive a complete report of the findings of the assessment, as well as a thorough explanation and education on what it all means.

  • Feel confident in your ability to move forward in a way that’s authentic and true to you.

Take the first step toward a more balanced, fulfilling life.




Common questions about comprehensive psychological assessments

  • We do not provide testing or assessments for…

    • Children under the age of 8

    • Individuals seeking forensic assessment (i.e. for court or legal processes)

    • Individuals seeking assessment for conditions such as dementia or Alzheimers

  • We provide testing and assessments for…

    • ADHD

    • Autism spectrum disorder

    • Anxiety disorders

    • Depressive disorders

    • Traumatic brain injuries

    • Personality disorders (i.e. borderline PD, narcissistic PD, obsessive-compulsive PD)

    • Mood Disorders (i.e. bipolar I & II, intermittent explosive disorder)

    • Schizophrenia spectrum disorders

    • Other Neurodevelopmental disorders

    • Social Pragmatic Communication disorder

    • Intellectual disabilities

  • Hannah herself does not provide therapy for the individuals she assesses for ethical reasons. However, she will gladly provide a list of referrals of clinicians whom she thinks would be a good clinical and personal fit for you, so you can get the comprehensive care you need and deserve.

  • No, we do not prescribe medication. However, we can provide you with a referral to a psychiatrist we trust who will be able to help you with ongoing medication management.